Reading the production date from the serial number - this is how it works!
Especially when buying used, it is helpful to be able to determine the production date of a product. For all BluGuitar products with a serial number, you can use this serial number to read the exact production date, or at least the month and year of production. Here you can find out what types of serial numbers there are, and where you can find information about the production date.
The AMP1 has two different serial number formats:
Version 1
- dd/mm/yy (dd/mm/yy): Day, month and year of production (in the example: September 27, 2019)
- Consecutive number: consecutive number (in the example: 2526)
Version 2
- yy/ww (YY/WW): year and week of production (in the example: calendar week 33 / 2020)
- Consecutive number: consecutive number (in the example: 1000)
- dd/mm/yy (dd/mm/yy): day, month and year of production (in the example: April 24, 2015)
- Consecutive number: consecutive number (in the example: 0497)
- Item no.: The item number tells you which product it is: 10301: FATCAB, 10302: NANOCAB, 10303: TWINCAB (in the example: TWINCAB).
- yy/mm (YY/MM): year and month of production (in the example: November 2017)
- Consecutive number: consecutive number (in the example: 0001)
There are three different serial number formats for the BluBOX VSC:
Version 1
- yyyy (YYYY): Year of production (in the example: 2017)
- Consecutive number: consecutive number (in the example: 750)
Version 2
- yy/mm/dd (YY/MM/DD): year, month and day of production (in the example: May 10, 2017)
- Consecutive number: consecutive number (in the example: 0178)
Version 3

- dd/mm/yy (DD/MM/YY): Day, month and year of production (in the example: February 02, 2018)
- Consecutive number: consecutive number (in the example: 0608)