AoT 250: A deep dive with Andy Timmons
Academy Of Tone 250: A deep dive with Andy Timmons
Special guest: Andy Timmons
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:35 - Andy plays us one of his new songs on the album
00:05:37 - Welcome to AOT 250 and our guest Andy Timmons
00:07:00 - Thomas's first meeting and history with Anydy Timmons
00:07:55 - Upcomming gigs for Thomas
00:09:31 - RIP Mark Sampson
00:11:45 - Clip of Andy and Thomas playing at Namm 2025
00:14:31 - The Ibanez AT1000 Andy TImmons signature guitar
00:16:43 - Interruption from chat
00:17:20 - Other signture gear used by Andy Timmons
00:21:04 - Recreating Any Timmons's tone on Amp1
00:24:08 - The Keeley Halo
00:30:04 - Keeley modded bluesdriver?
00:32:13 - Clip of an Andy Timmons interview at Namm 2025
00:51:09 - The setting of the interview
00:52:05 - Amp1 power consumption in the woods
00:53:15 - QA What guitar are you playing atm?
00:54:03 - QA Availability of the 1Control in the US?
00:55:08 - QA AmpX when?
00:55:41 - QA What cabinet were you using at the Namm show with AT?
00:56:36 - Andy's latest album release: Recovery
00:59:16 - Clip of the second part of the Andy Timmons interview
01:37:45 - Thank you all for watching, see you next week
01:38:00 - Outro