Academy Of Tone 251: Return of the Rockman
Special guest: Manuel Bastian
00:00:00 - Intro
00:04:24 - Thomas and Manuel play us some 80's music
00:07:04 - Welcome to AOT 251
00:07:46 - Todays episode will be about the 80's and the Rockman
00:09:03 - Let's go about 80's clothing first
00:12:03 - Forbidden pictures from the past in the 80's
00:14:04 - Sounds of the 80's
00:15:56 - A couple more pictures from the 80's
00:21:13 - Loud colours of the 80's
00:24:09 - Revival of the 80's and some taboo's
00:30:24 - Tom Scholz Musician and Engineer
00:40:58 - QA Nobels also had their version of the Rockman
00:42:22 - The Rockman clean sound with chorus
00:45:05 - The Rockman clean sound without chorus
00:46:20 - The Rockman clean 1 sound
00:47:39 - The Rockman Edge sound
00:50:09 - The Rockman distortion sound
00:53:08 - The reason why Thomas sold his Rockman
00:55:50 - How to get the Rockman sound with Amp1
00:59:52 - A very focused sound
01:03:24 - EQ settings
01:04:43 - Thomas and Manuel play us some more 80's music
01:06:33 - The music industry in the 80's
01:09:50 - Some complaints about the MXR Rockman pedal
01:15:29 - Comparing the original Rockman with the MXR Rockman
01:26:43 - Aging of components and the processed sound
01:34:19 - Boosters ... just not the way you think
01:38:26 - Tools for the job
01:45:18 - Taking questions from chat
01:46:39 - QA Will AmpX have Rockman sounds?
01:48:21 - QA Recreating sounds on AmpX
01:50:04 - AmpX and it's callibration
01:53:55 - Comparing Thomas to Tom Scholz, and the amazing quality of the Amp1
02:03:27 - QA Will AmpX have a sort of Precision Drive?
02:06:39 - Respect your elders
02:15:44 - QA How do we get new amps in AmpX?
02:27:30 - Multi-talented people
02:28:56 - The right person for the right job and stage shoes
02:34:35 - Thank you all for watching, see you next week
02:36:18 - Outro