AoT 15: Visiting Alex Beyrodt's studio - AMP1 amazing direct sound and recording hacks
Academy Of Tone 15: Visiting Alex Beyrodt's studio - AMP1 amazing direct sound and recording hacks
Special guests: Alex Beyrodt & Gregor Hilden
00:00 Intro - Albatross
02:19 Introduction
02:50 History about Peter Green
03:35 Neck Pickup - Peter Green tone
04:01 Amps of Peter Green
04:28 Black Magic Woman
06:04 Peter Green’s guitar
09:30 Welcoming guests in the chat
10:01 Riffing of Peter Green
11:10 Dorian Mode
12:22 Am - Jam
14:55 About the improvisation
15:11 How Peter Green infuenced other guitarplayers
15:48 Did Peter Green also used a strat?
16:34 Neck pickup only one coil out of phase?
17:53 Introducing of Gregor Hilden and upcoming concerts
19:03 How did you adjust the AMP1 for the Albatross sound?
23:04 AMP1 in combination to the 1957 Tweed Deluxe speaker cabinet
25:52 Talking about micing up a cabinet
30:25 Talking about different sounds
32:01 Overdrive sounds - Fender style via BluBOX
34:30 Overdrive sounds - Marshall style via BluBOX
34:50 Overdrive sounds via the Direct-Out of the AMP1
38:01 Direct-Out in combination with a speaker cabinet
41:11 Overdrive sounds again with BluBOX
42:55 BluBOX- different mic positions
44:15 Different BluBOX connected and unconnected to a speaker
45:25 Marshall SE100 and other load boxes
46:20 Two Notes - Torpedo CAB M
47:11 Introduction of Alexander Beyrodt
48:02 Visit to Alex’s studio in France
51:02 Interview about his new CD
56:39 Comparison of BluBox and Universal Audio OX Box
59:35 Talking about the album release
1:00:25 Summary
1:01:54 Another story about the Primal Fear album
1:04:00 Talking about the OX
1:07:12 Torpedo CAB M
1:13:19 Recording direct in an interface
1:14:58 BluBOX vs Torpedo CAB M
1:20:45 Marshall 4x12 (Greenbacks) vs BluBOX
1:22:55 Is the internal gain level storable?
1:24:55 Is the return of the FX-loop placed before or after the nano tube?
1:26:51 What resource is in the nano tube?
1:27:43 When using the fx-loop in parallel mode, what is the ratio of dry and wet signal?
1:29:10 Did you use Delay for the Peter Green sound?
1:30:21 Is the recording out of AMP1 usable with an asymetrical cable?
1:31:40 Does AMP1 not need a load box?
1:32:55 Is the Nano tube the first stage of the power amp?
1:34:28 Is the recording out balanced and how do you managed that with the headphone?
1:34:59 Can I connect the AMP1 on a power supply like a Voodoo Lab?
1:36:44 Why AMP1 doesn’t have XLR outputs?
1:38:17 Do I need the BluBOX for recording the AMP1 sound?
1:41:02 Why AMP1 doesn’t have Bluetooth for foot controllers?
1:42:18 Which amps was the references for the modern channel?
1:46:20 What is the inspiration of the modern tone of the Iridium?
1:47:35 Is the V30 in the BluBOX the original English one?
1:48:38 If there are some question about the AMPX, write an eMail.
1:49:56 I had a Silver Edition, is it worth to get a Mercury or a Iridium?
1:54:05 Neck pickup by Kloppmann and the high of the poles
1:56:30 Talking about Gregor Hilden
1:57:14 Outro - Gregor Hilden plays the AMP1